How AI is Helping People Transform Their Health

Since the introduction of AI years ago, it has been making transformational change within healthcare. Researchers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical technology companies have been using Artificial Intelligence to make ground-breaking improvements transforming healthcare.

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Family Doctors

What to do if you don’t have a family doctor

Over 6 million people in Canada do not have a family doctor. Regardless of your reason for not having a family doctor, it can be quite challenging and frustrating not having a centralized place for all your health information. It’s important for you to take control of your own health journey. This means that even if you don’t have a family doctor, its each person’s responsibility to get the testing needed and find a healthcare practitioner that can help. Here are some tips on what to do if you don’t have a family doctor:

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Minor Ailment Prescribing by Pharmacists: A New Era in Healthcare

From Red Eye to Quick Recovery: How Pharmacists Helped Resolve My Minor Health Issue

I knew I needed to do something about it, but I really didn’t want to go all the way to my family doctor. I had only met them once before, and it seemed like such a hassle to call and make an appointment, get my baby ready and seated, and drive all the way there. I figured it was probably just pink eye or conjunctivitis, and I knew that pharmacists in Ontario were able to prescribe for minor ailments like that, so I decided to go to my local pharmacy instead.

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7 Tips for Actually Getting To See a Doctor

Taking steps to get help with a mental health condition may seem challenging. If you are ready to seek help and have started researching mental health providers near you, you may have discovered there are several options that are mental health professionals.

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staying active medimap

6 Tips for Staying Active in the Winter

Taking steps to get help with a mental health condition may seem challenging. If you are ready to seek help and have started researching mental health providers near you, you may have discovered there are several options that are mental health professionals.

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Family Doctors

How I Found a Family Doctor in Ontario

Over 6 million Canadians are currently without a family doctor. For the last two and half years I was one of those of Canadians. I recently moved to a new city 2.5 years ago and since then was not able to find a family doctor.

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Types of Mental Health Therapy

There are many types of mental health therapies, also known as psychotherapy, that can be used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and mental health issues. A diverse range of therapy approaches exists because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health.

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TMJ Disorders and How a Chiropractor Can Help

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) affect approximately 20% of adults at some point during their lives. The TMJ consists of two joints located near the ear and behind the lower teeth. These joints allow movement between the upper and lower jaws.

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Eye Care in the Summer Months

Summer weather is here, so that means we have to prioritize eye care. The heat and temperatures this year are well above average for many areas. Summer also means enjoying more time outside as the colder snowy conditions have subsided. You lather your sunscreen to protect your skin from those pesky UV rays, but have you also considered summer eye problems to keep an eye on?

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